Password Managers

Objective of this page

Find the best free, open source, E2E encrypted and private alternative to LastPass, 1Password, Dashlane, NordPass, RoboForm, now.

Compare Bitwarden vs KeePass vs LessPass vs Padloc vs ProtonPass vs

Discover the best Password Managers tools for Android, iPhone, Linux, PC and Chrome to download now. And choose secure, self-hosted, peer-to-peer and independant alternatives in 2024

Stop the invasion of privacy from big tech, improve data security stay safe.

Notable Mentions


Other Open Source PM: Buttercup, Clipperz, Pass, Padloc, TeamPass, PSONO, UPM, Gorilla, Seahorse (for GNOME), GNOME Keyring, KDE Wallet Manager.

If you are using a deprecated PM, you should migrate to something actively maintained. This includes: Firefox Lockwise, Encryptr, Mitro, Rattic, JPasswords, Passopolis, KYPS, Factotum.

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